
Archive for October 16th, 2008

McCain’s smug mug at the beginning of last nights debate is self evident of his disdain for his opponent, worse still is the fact that Obama is his colleague in Washington, and we all seen the manner in which McCain has dismissed him in first two debates.

It makes one think, if this is how he thinks of his senate colleague, then what does he think of the majority of Americans? What does he think of us….What does he think of ME?…

It does not look good for the majority of Americans if, McCain becomes the Big Cheese in Washington. I have read several blogs, Liberal and Conservative ones. I noticed a trend among the Republicans/Conservatists commentators and writers on these blogs, they become downright hostile, and violent in their rants about Obama. Hmmm, isn’t that what animals do when they are cornerd, become hostile, or when they are threatend? They are worried and should be.

McCain would make a lousy Poker Player, he has so many “Tells”, ( a Tell is a behavior that reveals an Emotion about the kind of cards one player has to others, usally the person “Telling” is unaware that he/or she is doing so), He TELLS us how he is going to deal with foriegn policy “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Iran”. He TELLS us how he thinks of us ” I dont agree with what the Majority of Americans want…” his attitude and behavior towards Obama, and he TELLS us that he is for big business, and not for the Majority of Americans just listen to he proposal for the Econimic Crisis or read his Health care Napkin err “plan”.

His judgment is no better, just look at his Vicepresidential choice. Need I say more?


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Just in case you didn’t catch the debate, even though I’m sure clips from it will be thrown at you, I was surprised they talked about different issues like abortion and education. I found a snip where they discussed Roe v. Wade and since I know it is Fiorella’s topic and was last week’s discussion, I’d thought I’d share with you guys.

I really personally admire Obama’s response and disregarded McCain towards the end when he spoke of the “pro-abortion” movement. I didn’t know one existed, I haven’t recently attended an abortion celebrations. I found the term “pro-abortion” very insulting and ignorant of John McCain. He also went on to use the term directly after Obama pointed out that no one essentially is for abortion.

Also McCain’s comments about Obama’s view of abortion reminded of an ad that ran not to long ago. I found another video of the ad that ran where a girl who survived abortion stated that she would not be here if Obama had his way (the clip I’ve posted also includes an interview with the star of the ad).

I fact checked the ad and Obama’s supposed support of infanticide. Obama voted against the specific bill McCain refers to because he saw the bill as undermining to Roe v. Wade. I also fact checked on wether or not Gianna Jessen the girl who claims Obama would have ended her life would honestly not survived under Obama. I found that she would have lived under Obama or McCain, either way she would have lived, her life would have been protected by Illinois law.

I also would like to point out I admire the little bit of dignity that “Allen” brings to Hannity’s interview with Jessen, by sticking up for Obama something which seems to be against Fox News code of conduct.

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